Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I got a lot of response from my last entry. Some agreed and some wanted to know which company was the worst. I was really surprised by this. Evidently, I touched a nerve.

It sounded like I hated new home sales. Nothing could be farther from the truth. I just happen to think that because the market has turned customer service shouldn't. I happen to believe in basic business principles. I believe that employees should be treated with respect and I believe that when some people climb up the food chain they lose all memory of what it was like to sell homes in challenged communities and in challenging times.

I believe that sales and ethics should not be on opposite ends of the spectrum. I also believe that times like this show a persons true character. I believe that truth and sincerity will win out.

I sound like Little Mary Sunshine.

New home sales, even in the best of times, is incredibly challenging. To a buyer walking in the door it looks like we just have to smile, hand them a brochure and do a little paperwork. Try coordinating an entire community from start to finish. It's not as easy at it looks.  We are brilliant multi-taskers that keep statistics, prices, options, competition, knowledge, laws and buyers in our head. We can draw upon that knowledge at a moments notice usually after being interrupted by phone calls, emails, buyers, superintendents, vendors and management. This is not the business for the mild or faint of heart.

It's addicting, difficult and you experience every emotion possible on a daily basis. It's a small community where most of the agents, at one time or another, have worked together. It gives you stories that you tell and re-tell.  It gives you more information than you want or need about buyers. It makes you crazy, tired, exasperated and irritated. It gives you joy to know how much you've impacted a person or families life.  

It gives you life-long friends.

What it shouldn't give you is management that doesn't know how to treat employees. 

I got the privilege of being the chairperson on a committee for workload reduction. I got to hear grievances and suggestions that would make a company better. I've had the privilege of being a broker so that I could protect and supervise the licensees placed in my care. I know what it's like to stand in and for agents against liability and unfairness. Most agents would go to the ends of the earth for their employers and all they ask in return is to be treated and paid fairly. 

I don't think that is a whole lot to ask.

That's just my opinion. 

Am I right or wrong?

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