Friday, December 18, 2015


I keep reading the study.
Over and over again.
Is it that simple?
Can it be that simple?
I have questions.

There is a study that was recently published that shows altered MRI responses in patients with Fibromyalgia to, what should be, non painful sensory stimulation. Basically, the study showed that we are hypersensitive to everyday sensory stimulation. Our brains don't process the stimulation correctly. 

When it should be stored in the background we keep it front and center.
Plus, we don't initially recognize it.

This falls in line with the study by Dr. Frank Rice and the AV shunts in our hands. It seems that the nerve endings in the AV shunts in the palms of our hands hold the secret of Fibromyalgia. The AV stands for arteriole-venule which, up until now, just regulated blood flow. Now it seems that an over abundance of these nerve fibers are the source of our pain.

It's possible.
Anything is possible.

But this brings questions. Does that mean that these excess nerve fibers were a genetic anomaly? If that is the case then are they able to remain dormant and then be triggered by an illness or trauma?

Most of us can pinpoint when the pain started. For me, it was trauma. I don't understand....did the trauma cause my palms to grow excess nerve fibers or were they there and dormant. Can this be genetics?

On the other side.....I can always feel a flare coming on because it starts with my hands. 

They summarize that the blood flow is responsible for the muscular achiness and pain. The fatigue is from a build up of lactic acid and inflammation. It sounds like that triggers the brain going a little haywire.  These shunts could be keeping blood flow from reaching deep into the muscles. As far as the brain going haywire....we all know what happens then.....

We can't sleep.

The interesting thing, to me, is that these shunts are critical for thermal regulation and our metabolism. It's that why some of us have heat or cold intolerance??  As far as our metabolism goes......could it be why this is so closely intertwined with our thyroid?

If this is the case why do some medications work for some people and not others? What about all the symptoms. Can it all be due to excess sensory fibers in our hands??

I'm thinking about this.

But I still have questions.

I think this bears watching.....

but now, when I feel a flare coming on......

And I'm rubbing my hands.......

I'll take notice.